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        High-tech_Dynamic More>>
        Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and Ha...

        To thoroughly study and apply new era xi the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively implement the spirit of the fifth plenary session ......

        Outlook the development trend of cultural indu...

        In the year 2020, the development of cultural industry has been 'ice and fire'. The traditional cultural industry, affected by the epidemic, is struggling to ma......


        Hangzhou High-Tech Zone (Binjiang) is formed by integrating the management systems of Hangzhou National High-Tech Zone and Hangzhou Binjiang District, occupying a total area of about 92 square kilo.......[more]

        An Introduction to Sub-districts
        • Puyan Sub-district

          Puyan Sub-district is located in the west of Hangzhou High-Tech Zone (......

        • Xixing Sub-district

          Located in the eastern entrance of Binjiang, Xixing Sub-district is th......

        • Changhe Sub-district

          Changhe Sub-district is located in the core block of the High-Tech Zon......

        Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统